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$(element).prop("checked", false); $('.selected-answer[data-question-id="' + questionName + '"]').removeClass("selected-answer"); $(element).addClass("selected-answer"); } function handleSelectAnswerMultipleChoice(element) { let questionName = $(element).attr("data-question-id"); let answerValue = $(element).attr("data-answer-value"); let checkBox = $('input[type="checkbox"][name="' + questionName + '"][value="' + answerValue + '"]'); let isSelected = checkBox.prop("checked"); if (!isSelected) { checkBox.prop("checked", true); $(element).addClass("selected-answer"); } else { checkBox.prop("checked", false); $(element).removeClass("selected-answer"); } } $(window).resize(function () { if (34 * $(".bottombar-questions").length > $(window).width() - 2 * $(".nextButton").width()) { $(".pagination").width($(window).width() - 2 * $(".nextButton").width() - 2 * $(".backscroll").width()); } else { $(".forwardscroll").hide(); $(".backscroll").hide(); } }); $(document).ready(function () { if (34 * $(".bottombar-questions").length > $(window).width() - 2 * $(".nextButton").width()) { $(".pagination").width($(window).width() - 2 * $(".nextButton").width() - 2 * $(".backscroll").width()); 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e.preventDefault(); }); var submitted = 0; console.log(submitted); if (submitted == 0) { $("#calibrationtest_form").on("submit", function (e) { var form = this; e.preventDefault(); $("body").addClass("loading"); var questions = []; $(".question").each(function (i) { // Make an object for each question // This should have the question ID, the user Answer and the time taken. var question_type = $(this).attr("data-question-type"); let selected_answer = ""; let questionObj = {}; var question_id = $(this).data("questionid"); var time_taken = $(this).find(".timer").text(); if (question_type == "single-choice") { selected_answer = $(this).find("input:checked").val(); } if (question_type == "multiple-choice") { let answers = []; $(this) .find("input:checked") .each(function () { answers.push($(this).val()); }); selected_answer = answers.join(","); } if (question_type == "essay") { let id = 'selected_answer' + question_id; selected_answer = CKEDITOR.instances[id].getData(); } if(question_type == "multiple-dropdown"){ let answers = []; $(this).find('.dropdownquestion').each(function() { let answer = $(this).find('option:selected').val(); // Check if answer is not undefined (meaning an option is selected) if (answer !== undefined) { answers.push(answer); } else { // If no option is selected, push 'N/A' answers.push('null'); } }) selected_answer = answers.join(','); } if(question_type == "multiple-answer"){ let answers = []; $(this).find('.subquestion').each(function() { let checkedInputs = $(this).find('input[type="radio"]:checked'); let checkedValues = Array.from(checkedInputs).map(input => input.value); // console.log(checkedInputs,checkedValues,'checkers'); // Determine how to format the answer based on the number of checked items //this was brought in because of groupbycolumn functionality if (checkedValues.length > 1) { // If multiple items, wrap in brackets answers.push('[' + checkedValues.join(',') + ']'); } else if (checkedValues.length === 1) { // If only one item, add it directly answers.push(checkedValues[0]); } else { // If no items are checked, add 'N/A' answers.push('N/A'); } }); // Join all answers into a single string with commas user_answer = answers.join(','); // console.log(user_answer,'ma'); } questionObj["question_id"] = question_id; questionObj["selected_answer"] = selected_answer; questionObj["time_taken"] = time_taken; questionObj["question_type"] = question_type; // Now we want to put that object within the array of questions questions.push(questionObj); console.log("Logged a question"); }); console.log(questions); console.log($("input[name=_token]").val()); var input = $("").attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "questiondata").val(JSON.stringify(questions)); $("#calibrationtest_form").append($(input)); submitted = 1; console.log(submitted); form.submit(); }); } });